gastro treatment

Your liver is an important organ that performs many tasks connected with metabolism, energy storage, and waste filtering. It assists you with digesting food, convert it to energy, and store the energy until you require it. It additionally aids in filtering the toxic stuffs out of your bloodstream. Consult Dr. E. Vimalakar Reddy for Liver disease treatment in Secunderabad Liver disease is a general term that refers to any condition influencing your liver. These conditions might develop for various reasons, yet they can all harm your liver and influence its function.

What are the Common causes?

  1. Heamgioma
  2. Cysts of liver
  3. Hepatic adenoma
  4. Carcinoma

What are the Common symptoms?

  1. Jaundice
  2. Pain in right upper abdomen
  3. loss of appetite
  4. Weight loss
  5. Swelling in right upper abdomen

Get treated by best liver disease specialist in Hyderabad at best liver hospitals in east marredpally

What are the liver problems?


usually due to alcohol, hepatitis b and c virus. Usual presentation of patients are pain abdomen, weight loss and palpable mass. Treatment is multimodality therapy include ablative therapy, chemotherapy resection/hepatectomy and liver transplantation.


Presence of stones in bile ducts of liver. Cause of disease is poorly understood usually asymptomatic sometimes presented with jaundice, cholangitis and cirrhosis. Treatment is usually surgical.


Either due to penetrating injury or blunt injury. While small laceration of liver substance may be recovered from without operative intervention. If injury is extensive and vessels are torn, patient may need operative intervention.

Liver abscess

Include pyogenic liver abscess and amoebic liver abscess and other infected cysts of liver. These patients were managed with medical management, or aspiration of cyst contents, drainage of cyst and operative intervention.


Include infective (pyogenic liver abscess/amoebic liver abscess/hydatid cysts), congenital (simple/polycystic liver disease), neoplastic(cystadenoma/cystadenocarcinoma) and traumatic.

What are the Common Surgeries?

Right or Left hepatectomy

A liver resection, or hepatectomy, is a surgery to eliminate part of your liver. You can have up to 66% of your liver eliminated as long as the rest of your liver is healthy. If you have liver disease, a smaller portion might be taken out. Your liver can grow back. If your remaining liver is healthy, it'll come back to its previous size.

Nonanatomical resection

NAR can be defined as resection of the tumor with a margin of greater than 1 cm whenever possible without regarding the segmental anatomy of the liver.

Visit Best Liver surgeon in west Marredpally

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