gastro treatment

Abdominal cancer is a type of cancer that happens when there is an uncontrolled development of abnormal cells anywhere in the abdomen, the region between the lower chest and the groin. Visit Abdominal cancer hospitals in Hyderabad

What are the common types of abdominal cancers?

The common types include:

Colorectal cancer

Symptoms are passage of black coloured stools, bleeding per rectum, obstruction, perforation. Treatment is laparoscopic colectomy and anastomosis or stoma.

Liver Cancer

It Is caused because of alcohol, hepatitis B and C virus. Common presentation of patients is pain abdomen, weight loss and palpable mass. Treatment is multimodality therapy include ablative therapy, chemotherapy resection/hepatectomy and liver transplantation.

Pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is an illness wherein the cancer cells are formed in the tissues of the pancreas. The Whipple procedure is an operation to eliminate the head of the pancreas, the initial segment of the small intestine (duodenum), the gallbladder and the bile duct. The remaining organs are reattached to enable you to digest the food normally after the surgery.

Rectal Cancer

Rectal cancer is a disease where cancer cells are developed in the rectum. The surgery types done are trans butt-centric endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) where the specialist eliminates the cancer alongside a border of healthy tissue and total mesorectal excision (TME) where the surgeon eliminates the part of the rectum that contains cancer, a border of healthy tissue around it, and the fatty tissue (mesorectum) around the rectum.

Stomach cancer

Gastric cancer is a disease where malignant cells form in the lining of the stomach. To treat stomach cancer, a specialist might perform a: partial gastrectomy: This procedure eliminates part of the stomach. Stomach cancer specialist in Medhcal remove lymph nodes and fatty tissue as well as to assist with ensuring all the cancer is gone.

Total gastrectomy: Surgical gastroenterology doctor in east marredpally eliminate the complete stomach, encompassing lymph nodes and fatty tissue.


  1. Eat more of fruits and vegetables. Attempt to include fruits and veggies in your diet every day.
  2. Decrease how much salty and smoked food sources you eat. Protect your stomach by restricting these foods.
  3. Quit smoking. If you smoke, quit.
  4. Tell your best abdominal cancer doctor in west Marredpally if stomach cancer runs in your family.

Get the stomach cancer treatment in Secunderabad

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